This module was designed and built on the philosophy to “Save Time … Save Money“. It is an innovative program with the following characteristics:
- Easy to use module with a minimum of input required
- Preloaded and fully customizable table with the exception rules of weekends concerning the charter party terms (SATPM/SSHEX/FHEX etc.)
- Statement of Fact events (Full T/C, 1/2 T/C, 3/4 T/C etc) are preloaded and allow further customizations by the user
- Upon the selection of a specific charter party term (SATPM/SEHX/FHEX etc.) the weekends will be automatically generated by the program. Furthermore, the user may activate events with full or partial interruptions within weekends, even while in demurrage
- Calculation takes into consideration the Statement of Fact, all Laytime terms, time table events and generates an accurate and complete time sheet report
- Easy to modify all fields and get a complete re-calculation with a simple click
- Laytime Calculation report can be extracted in PDF format ready to be e-mailed
You can easily operate Laytime Calculator on a standalone PC or notebook. NO internet connection required.